Pro’s Need Help With Their Mental Game

Metal Toughness and Mental Focus describe the thinking process we can go through to keep us on track and maintain our highest levels of performance even when we have set backs, don’t perform as well as we’d like or feel discouraged.

You may be familiar with the challenges of getting out of, or avoiding a slump, dealing with injury or exhaustion, performing under pressure, fear of failure, negative thinking or having your every performance scrutinized. It could be any number of things going on in our head causing performance to suffer, whether we realize it or not.

Players and athletes of all sports from professional to beginner face these challenges. Major league baseball players, for example, find their performance improves dramatically when they use their mental powers to their advantage.

Watch this short video on the official site of Major League Baseball ( which explains how the pros are using mental training and getting better performance because of it.

Sorry, This video is no longer available from MLB.

Did you catch the last line from the video: Scouts say the mental makeup of a player is just as important as their physical attributes in their success.

Check These

===> Mental Toughness Tips <===

By a top mental training coach to professional and olympic athletes.

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